7 Most Common MS Excel Formula Errors & How to Fix Them

MS Excel is a powerful tool that can be used for various tasks, from simple data entry to complex financial analysis. However, because Excel is so versatile, it is also prone to errors. 


This article will provide an overview of some of the most common errors, as well as give tips on how to fix them.


1. #N/A Error


This error occurs when a formula can't find the data it's looking for. This can happen if you have a formula that references a cell that is empty, or if you're using a function that doesn't have a valid input.


To fix this error, you'll need to edit the formula to reference a valid cell, or use a valid input for the function.


2. #NUM Error


This error occurs when a formula contains an invalid number. This can happen if you enter a text value into a cell that expects a number, or if you reference a cell that contains an error.


To fix this error, you'll need to edit the formula to use a valid number. For example, if you have a formula that divides two numbers, you can add an IF statement to the formula so that it only divides if the number is not equal to zero.


3. #VALUE! Error


This error occurs when a formula contains an invalid value. This can happen if you enter the wrong data type into a cell (e.g. text instead of a number) or if you reference a cell that contains an error.


You'll need to edit the formula to use a valid value to fix this error. For example, if you're trying to use a text value in a mathematical formula, you need to convert it to a number before using it.


4. #NAME Error


This error occurs when a formula contains an invalid name. This can happen if you mistype a name in a formula or if you delete a named range that the formula is referencing.


To fix this error, you'll need to edit the formula to use a valid name.


5. #DIV/0 Error


This error occurs when a formula tries to divide by zero. This can happen if you have a formula that divides two cells, and one of those cells is empty.


To fix this error, you'll need to edit the formula to use a non-zero value. For example, if you have a formula that divides two numbers, you can add an IF statement to the formula so that it only divides if the number is not equal to zero.


6. #NULL Error


This error occurs when a formula refers to an empty cell. This can happen if you have a formula that references two cells, and one of those cells is empty.


To fix this, you need to update the cell references in the formula. You can do this by selecting the cell with the formula, and then clicking on the cell reference that is causing the error. This will update the cell reference in the formula.


7. #REF! Error


This error occurs when a formula refers to a cell that does not exist. For example, if you delete a column that a formula is referencing, the formula will return a #REF! error.


To fix this error, you'll need to edit the formula to reference a valid cell. You can do this by selecting the cell with the formula, and clicking on the cell reference causing the error. This will update the cell reference in the formula.


Final Thoughts


There are a few common MS Excel formula errors that can occur, and it is vital to know how to fix them. By being aware of these errors and how to fix them, you can avoid making mistakes in your formulas and ensure that your calculations are accurate.

Learn more about using MS Excel by enrolling in the various
Excel training courses offered by XL Intelligence. With our courses, you can familiarise yourself further with the program, whether you are a beginner or an advanced user. Contact us today to book a training session.

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