What does ABS Function do?
ABS Excel Function, which is also known as the Absolute function, calculates the absolute values of a given number. Negative numbers that are given as input are changed to positive numbers.
ABS is a built-in function that is categorized under the Math function. This gives the absolute value of a number and always returns a positive number.
The number can be given as directed (quotes, cell references, etc). It can be entered as part of an ABS formula. It also can be a mathematical operation presenting a number as an output.
AND Function
AND Function is a logical function that tests multiple conditions and returns you with true or false depending on whether they are met or not.
AND function "= AND(logical1,[logical2]...)" = logical 1 is the first condition to evaluate.
Syntax of AND Function
The syntax is: =AND(
Logical 1 is a mandatory argument. However, logical 2 is an optional argument.
Characteristics of AND Function
Here are some of AND's functions and characteristics:
AND Functions limitations
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